Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Attention: International Readers

I was checking out my sitemeter today to see who is reading my blog, and I realized a lot of the people who read my blog are from out of town. When I say out of town, I mean WAY out of town.... like the Netherlands. So here's to you, my out of town readers

France (My mom makes great French Toast)
Canada (I have friends from Canada)
Netherlands (I don't have friends from the Netherlands, but if I did you'd know about it)
Brazil (You guys have mad soccer skills, I guess)
Argentina (Don't cry for me....)
Poland (I'm pretty sure I have a friend from Poland)
Hungary (I have no idea what to say about Hungary)
Sweden (Is the Swiss Army Knife in Sweden just called a knife, and is Swiss cheese in Sweden just called cheese? And is Swiss Miss in Sweden just some random woman who lives in the mountains?)

So, keep reading and I'll keep writing. Or is it I'll keep writing and you keep reading, either way..... You guys rock.


Anonymous said...

Hate to break it to you, Nick...but...Swiss refers to Switzerland, not Sweden.

But Swedish Fish come from Sweden. =P

Nick Loux said...

Ok Drew, whatever.

Marieke schrijft said...

Hi Nick,

here a comment from a reader from the Netherlands. Do you know where it is in Europe? (maybe google maps will help you)
In case you are wondering how I've found your blog and why I read it, the answer is simple: you guys inspire me!

I've followed for two summers the international program @IHOP/fsm. Now back at home I am involved in the process of 'builing' a house of prayer in the H & B model.
I am encouraged by the way yoou live and write, such a testimony.

bye Marieke
(my name means the Dutch 'version' of Mary)