Sunday, May 4, 2008

City Market Field Trip Photos- part 2


Drielli Gusmão said...

These are all nice pictures very artistic. I liked all of them. I invite you to write on my blog, I think you will like it:
Thanks! Bye!

nayeef said...

Hi there,i seem to browse some blogs and happened to spot yours..So then,where are these pictures taken?the quality is truly great,thats why!!

Nick Loux said...

Thanks for visiting my blog.

These pictures were taken in Kansas City, Missouri at a place called City Market. I took them on a photography class field trip.

nayeef said...

I believe you are using your blog space for photographs..well let me tell you,your photography classes are paying of well cause your latest pictures too are it your hobby or aspiring for a full-time profession in it??